SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION OR DISCOVERY CALL TO find out which service or package is right for you!!

Photo Credit: @monicajustesen

Photo Credit: @monicajustesen

(No-Obligation Consultation included)
A 15-minute phone call to see if we are a good fit for each other in this next phase of your journey and is a chance to open up conversation before diving deep into doing the work. This is an opportunity to gain insight into who you are, what you are looking to achieve and how I can assist you. No matter the phase of life, women’s health and wellness is connected to everything we do and the way we feel. Whether you are looking for insight into seasonal allergies, PMS symptoms, gut health, struggle with inflammation, are pregnant, postpartum or trying to conceive, this free consultation is for you! It will be the first step in the right direction to live wholeheartedly and healthy.

As this phone call is only the beginning, it is a jumpstart into what next steps we will take as a team. This is a partnership, but you will be accountable for making the changes you wish to see. As an intuitive healer, it is important to understand that each client is very different and needs to be considered from a holistic perspective. Follow-up may vary and is based on the needs of the client. Further offerings may include a range of anything from suggestions, guides and packages or consulting sessions for purchase. (Prices may vary)


(15-minute Discovery Call included)
With individual coaching and consulting sessions, we will start to dive deep into your roots. This is a solution oriented approach, as we unveil what is not working and what can be done in order to feel and do your best in life. You will learn what your habits are, commit to new ones and be inspired to live an intentional life. With natural conversation, intuitive guidance and additional resources provided, you are supported throughout the journey at all times. Each session may vary and is catered to individuals’ needs but will have the option to include breathwork techniques, stress reducing tools and meditation practices. This is ideal for someone looking for communication and accountability. Even though I will be your coach, I’m often seen as a friend you can turn to for guidance in time of need.


In Japanese, reiki means “universal life energy” and is a means of transferring a form of healing energy with touch or hands-off healing. Showing up energetically for this practice increases as time goes on, while increased exposure to reiki allows the body to communicate to the practitioner. This is a practice for those looking to clear blockages in the body or receive emotional, spiritual or physical healing. It can induce relaxation, aid in reducing pain, speed recovery or reduce symptoms of illness. Reiki is also ideal for lessening anxiety, calming the nervous system and ease digestion.

People often ask if reiki is as effective virtually, and my answer is a resounding, YES! Absolutely. However, with anything, if there is limitation in the mind, there is resistance. There will be benefits to any session no matter how strongly you believe there to be an affect, but it will be most noticeable when you acknowledge that there are no boundaries with time and space. It’s quite remarkable what occurs during reiki, and you never know what each session will bring!

***All reiki sessions include take-home intuitive notes and an oracle/tarot card reading if inspired to pull cards during the session. There is no guarantee a reading will be included.***


VINYASA YOGA (virtual classes only)
Center into your being with an all-levels, vinyasa yoga flow! Bringing fluidity and sensational movement to the body, this practice will help release any tension in the body and welcome in rest & relaxation.

POWER YOGA (virtual classes only)
***Not Currently Available***
Get moving with this all-levels power vinyasa yoga flow, we focus on aligning movement with breath and strengthening both the body and mind. Be ready for a challenge and the opportunity to move through limitations, on and off the mat (modifications provided). This class will leave you feeling refreshed, invigorated and ready to conquer your week!

FERTILITY YOGA (virtual classes only)
***Not Currently Available***
Whether it is a traditional vinyasa yoga class or a slower paced, restorative practice, this practice focuses on calming the nervous system and reducing stress. It will involve mindful movement, especially for pregnant women and can also be an aid for fertility. Class is centered around intention, the art of allowing and manifesting what you are looking to call into your life, whether you are looking to conceive or not.


